Award Details - 011
Substance Use Treatment and Support Services Integrated into the Child Welfare System RFP
Allegheny County solicited proposals to seamlessly integrate a set of comprehensive substance abuse-related services into the child welfare system that will serve child welfare-involved families. These services will be based upon Recovery-Oriented System of Care (ROSC) guiding principles and practices. ROSC focuses on the chronic nature of substance abuse and various pathways to recovery. ROSC practices include: substance abuse screening; level of care assessments; service referral and linkage; and peer recovery support to identified family members. The successful proposer is also responsible for training, educating and providing technical assistance and case consultation to child welfare staff.
Successful Proposal
Evaluation Information
We received three proposals. We invited thee proposers to oral presentations.
Contract Information
- Date of Contract Execution – September 29, 2016
- Length of Contract – One year
- Award Amount – $880,619