In January and July 2024, the elections division sent a letter to voters whose right to vote in Allegheny County was challenged by another individual within the voter’s municipality. The challengers claimed to believe voters whom they challenged were not rightfully registered in Allegheny County.
Challenged voters were asked to provide the elections division with information about their current residence, inside or outside Allegheny County.
No action was taken to change the status of any voter based on the challenge, unless and until the voter themselves confirmed in writing that their residence had changed and asked to be removed from the Allegheny County Voter rolls.
If you are among those who received a letter from the elections division about this matter, your status as a voter has not been changed unless you requested the change. Under federal law no voter’s registration may be canceled unless they fail to vote in two consecutive federal elections.
If you have questions about your registration or where to vote, contact the Elections Office.
You can confirm your registration online or request a mail-in ballot through the Pennsylvania Department of State. You can also obtain information about elections.
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