Municipal Correspondence


When there are any new addresses or corrections to addresses, all correspondence must be in writing so that documentation can be recorded in our digital document management system for future reference. Emails are the preferred form of notification and serve as written notification. If letters are sent to homeowners, they can be scanned and attached to email or sent via standard mail delivery to the county.

Address Management should receive from municipalities:

  • New subdivision plan addresses with site plans or addresses associated with lot numbers
  • New addresses from other new construction with a reference to the parcel number
  • Corrections to any addresses (possibly from the Real Estate website) with a reference to the parcel number
  • Address assignments for review if address standard questions arise

Address Management may request from municipalities:

  • When discrepancies are found in any of the county databases, a clarification may be needed from the municipality about a correct address or correct street name.
  • When properties are found that do not have an address in any of the county databases, the county will request an address assignment from the municipality.
  • When errors are found in any of the county databases that reflect an error in the address assignment by the municipality, (i.e. duplicate addresses or addresses out of order) the county will request a correction be issued by the municipality.

A Municipal Address Change Letter (Template)(DOCX, 26KB) is available for communication to citizens, Allegheny County and the Post Office. This letter template can be updated or changed to meet your needs. This sample letter is specific to changes in address but should also be altered for new addresses.


Please contact us with any questions by email.