Award Details - 025
Rental Assistance and Connections to Supportive Services for Individuals and Families with a History of Unhealthy Substance Use RFP
This RFP solicited proposals for two rental assistance programs for scattered-site housing and connections to supportive services to better serve homeless and unstably housed individuals and families who are affected by unhealthy substance use. First, the Rental Assistance Program will serve individuals and families with members who have a history of unhealthy substance use and who are experiencing homelessness. Second, the Child Welfare Rental Assistance Program will serve families that have one or more caregiver(s) with a history of unhealthy substance use, are unstably housed and are involved with the child welfare system in Allegheny County.
Successful Proposals
Evaluation Information
We received 10 proposals for the Rental Assistance Program and two proposals for the Child Welfare Rental Assistance Program. We invited two proposers to oral presentations for the Child Welfare Rental Assistance Program. There were no oral presentations for the Rental Assistance Program.
Contract Information
Rental Assistance Program
- Date of Contract Execution – August 25, 2017
- Length of Contract – One year
- Award Amount – $730,000
Child Welfare Rental Assistance Program
- Date of Contract Execution – September 5, 2017
- Length of Contract – One year
- Award Amount – $215,000