Award Details - 047

RFP for a Jail-Based Competency Restoration Program

This RFP solicited proposals to implement and manage a Competency Restoration Program in the Allegheny County Jail for people assessed as being incompetent to stand trial. The aim of the desired program was to enhance the level of justice for participants in the program by: 1) reducing the time they spend waiting for competency restoration services; 2) restoring their competency more quickly, when possible; 3) permitting faster disposition of court proceedings when determined competent; and 4) reserving transfer to Torrance State Hospital for restoration to only those who have not benefitted or are determined to be unable to benefit from the program.

Successful Proposal


Evaluation Information

We received two proposals. We invited one proposer to oral presentations.

Contract Information

  • Date of Contract Execution – N/A
  • Length of Contract – N/A
  • Award Amount – N/A