Award Details - 077
RFP for Housing Mobility Services for Families in the Housing Choice Voucher Program
This RFP solicited a provider to implement the Allegheny County Housing Mobility Program. The Housing Mobility Program—a partnership between DHS, the Allegheny County Housing Authority (ACHA) and the Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh (HACP)—aimed to reduce barriers that can prevent families with housing vouchers from moving to low-poverty “Opportunity Areas” in the City of Pittsburgh and surrounding Allegheny County. Research suggests that moving to Opportunity Areas can lead to improved health and well-being for families and better economic outcomes for children. The Successful Proposer will deliver the following services as part of the Housing Mobility Program: housing search and leasing assistance, administration of short-term financial assistance, post-move support and landlord outreach.
Successful Proposal
Evaluation Information
We received 15 proposals. We invited four proposers to oral presentations.
Contract Information
- Date of Contract Execution – January 18, 2022
- Length of Contract – Six years
- Award Amount – $709,315