Award Details - 089
RFP for Systematic Therapeutic Assessment Resources and Treatment (START)
RFP(PDF, 533KB) Q&A(PDF, 121KB)
The Department of Human Services (DHS), on behalf of Allegheny County, solicited Proposals to implement START (Systematic, Therapeutic, Assessment, Resources and Treatment Model), which is a national, evidence-informed model of community-based crisis prevention and intervention for individuals with a dual diagnosis of a behavioral health disorder and a diagnosis of either an intellectual disability or Autism, or both. The Allegheny County START Program will serve County residents, ages 12 through 35, with an eligible dual diagnosis.
Successful Proposal
Evaluation Information
- We received 2 proposals
- We invited 2 proposers to oral presentations
Contract Information
- Date of Contract Execution – 12/23/2022
- Length of Contract – One year
- Award Amount - $2,812,972.00