Award Details - 097
RFP for Meals and Nutrition Services for Older Adults
RFP(PDF, 395KB) Q&A(PDF, 259KB)
The Department of Human Services (DHS), on behalf of Allegheny County, sought Proposals aimed to significantly improve its meal and nutrition services for older adults (age 60+) throughout the County by contracting with two or more Successful Proposers to provide a Meals and Nutrition service composed of: Congregate Meals for Senior Centers; Home-Delivered Meals (HDM) that existed HDM Sites then delivered to consumers; and Emergency Meals, when needed.
Successful Proposal
Evaluation Information
- We received 3 proposals
- We invited 3 proposers to oral presentations
Contract Information
- Date of Contract Execution:
- Metz Culinary Management – 07/31/2023
- Nutrition, Inc. – 06/15/2023
- Salem’s Market and Grill – 01/02/2024
- Length of Contract – Three years
- Fee for Service
- Metz Culinary Management – $1,952,216.36
- Nutrition, Inc. - $50,00.00
- Salem’s Market and Grill - $100,00.00