Award Details - 098
RFP for Programs to Reduce Unsheltered Homelessness and Enhance Services and Outcomes for People Experiencing Unsheltered Homelessness
RFP(PDF, 435KB) Q&A(PDF, 183KB)
Through the Allegheny County Department of Human Services (DHS) and on behalf of the Allegheny County Continuum of Care (CoC), Allegheny County solicited Proposals for Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH), Rapid Rehousing (RRH) and Support Service Only (SSO) programs that enhanced the CoC’s ability to reduce the prevalence of unsheltered homelessness and improved services engagement, health outcomes and housing stability among highly vulnerable unsheltered individuals and families.
This RFP sought to expand on the current array of CoC Program-funded projects, with a focus on strengthening housing, healthcare services and opportunities for the highly vulnerable unsheltered population. Enhancing the CoC to better meet the needs of individuals and families experiencing unsheltered homelessness made the system more responsive overall.
Successful Proposal
- None. Allegheny County did not receive HUD supplemental funding in 2022.
Evaluation Information
- We received 0 proposals
- We invited 0 proposers to oral presentations
Contract Information
- Date of Contract Execution – N/A
- Length of Contract – N/A
- Award Amount - N/A