Award Details - 101
RFP for Peer-Run Respite as a Community Based Non-Clinical Crisis Support
RFP(PDF, 458KB) Q&A(PDF, 160KB)
The Department of Human Services (DHS), on behalf of Allegheny County, sought Proposals from one or more qualified Proposers to provide Peer-Run Respite programming at two as-yet-undetermined locations within the County. In addition to developing and implementing services, the Successful Proposer(s) would secure (i.e., lease or buy) the Peer-Run Respite facility.
Successful Proposal
Evaluation Information
- We received 4 proposals
- We invited 3 proposers to oral presentations
Contract Information
- Date of Contract Execution – 02/02/2024
- Length of Contract – 2 Years
- Award Amount - $131,354.67