Recycling and Waste
New Recycling Drop-Off Finder
This tool provides drop-off locations for recyclables that are within Allegheny County. Search for a company name, specific material or zip code, or explore material types and find the closest drop-off to you. This tool does not display local curbside information.
Recycling is one of the most important actions that citizens can take, and one that is often within their own ability to control – depending, of course, upon the item itself and the amount of effort one is willing to expend.
Fortunately, southwestern Pennsylvania provides a range of resources and events to help citizens and communities to recycle everything from paper, to tires and computers.
County Commitment
Allegheny County is committed to recycling at the facilities that it owns, occupies and provides for public enjoyment.
2024 Travelling Glass Recycling
Recycling Collection Events
The Pennsylvania Resources Council, with support from the county Health Department, regularly organizes collection events. Check their events calendar to find one near you!
Household Chemical Collections - Acceptable items: aerosol cans, automotive fluids, batteries, chemistry sets, gasoline and kerosene, household cleaners, mercury, paint and paint products, pesticides/herbicides, photo and pool chemicals. Note: some items require a fee.
Hard to Recycle / Electronics Recycling – Acceptable items: televisions, CPUs, computer monitors, mice and keyboards, compact fluorescent light bulbs, fluorescent tubes, cell phones, batteries, and ink and toner cartridges. Note: some items require a fee.
ReuseFest - A one day, one-of-a-kind drop-off event for gently used materials destined for reuse by numerous local nonprofit organizations.
The County Police participate in the DEA's National Prescription Drug Take Back Day every year. The aim is to provide a safe, convenient, and responsible means of disposing of prescription drugs, while also educating the general public about the potential for abuse of medications.
Recycling Resources
Find out more about what you can do to recycle and reduce waste in the landfills.
Recycling Drop-Off Finder - This tool provides drop-off locations for recyclables that are within Allegheny County. Search for a company name, specific material or zip code, or explore material types and find the closest drop-off to you. This tool does not display local curbside information.
Recycling in Allegheny County - information from the Health Department about local and special recycling
Who regulates recycling, and what are the rules?