Behavioral Risk Factors Surveillance System

2015-2016 Allegheny County Health Survey

In partnership with several community organizations, the Allegheny County Health Department (ACHD) conducted a survey to assess behavioral and environmental risk factors that affect the health of county residents.

In addition to following up on what we learned in previous county-wide behavioral risk factor studies (2002 and 2010), the 2015-2016 Allegheny County Health Survey (ACHS) included new questions related to neighborhoods, social support, sexual identity and orientation, substance abuse, and intimate partner violence.

Other survey topics addressed nutrition, physical activity, tobacco use, alcohol consumption, health care access, chronic diseases, disabilities, women’s health, family planning, sexual behavior, immunizations, and mental health.

These topics represent issues that are closely linked to both positive and negative community health outcomes.

The survey was conducted by telephone beginning in August of 2015. In total, 9,000 residents age 18 or older were randomly selected to participate.

Previous Survey Results