Cost and Fee Schedule

Service Fees

Please Note
There will be a $30.00 charge for NSF checks. No personal checks will be accepted.

There will be no refund for over-payments of $10.00 or less. Refunds will be made for all amounts over $10.00.

In cases not specifically provided for, the Director of the Department of Court Records shall make the same charge as that imposed for services of a substantially similar nature.

Fee Amount
Certifications $20.00
Appeal from the Court of Common Pleas to an Appellate Court $80.00
(An additional $90.25 fee is charged by the Appellate Courts and is collected by the Department of Court Records)
Summary Appeals $94.00
Petition for permission to appeal Nunc Pro Tunc $30.00
Summary Appeals Postponement $40.00
Petition regarding Road Dockets $30.00
Subpoena $10.00
Individual Private Detective License $300.00
Corporate Private Detective License $400.00

Processing of Fingerprint cards through the Pennsylvania State Police


One check in the amount of $17.50 payable to the Pennsylvania State Police
One check in the amount of $20.00 payable to the Department of Court Records
Post-Conviction Relief Act Petition $20.00
Petitions for Expungement $232.00
Fee for posting Bail Bond including Real Property Bond $50.00
For the first $1,000.00 - the handling of money paid into court 5¢ per dollar
For each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof - the handling of money paid into court 2¢ per dollar
Criminal Record Check $25.00
Petition to Strike Judgment and Vacate Bond Forfeiture $30.00
Fee for filing in a miscellaneous case $20.00
Fee for filing quarterly bail bond report $25.00
File retrieval from non-County owned facility, payable at time of order Current Rate