Emergency Management

The Emergency Management Division prepares for emergencies through planning, provides help during response and recovery, and prevents or mitigates the effects of disasters.


Laws and Authorities
  • Developing, implementing, and maintaining an emergency management program
Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment
  • Identifying hazards with the greatest potential to affect lives and property
  • Assessing the likelihood, vulnerability, and magnitude of incidents that could result from exposure to hazards
Hazard Management
  • Eliminating hazards or reducing the effects of hazards through mitigation
Resource Management
  • Managing the availability of critical human and physical resources required for disasters
  • Collection analysis and use of information
  • Developing, promulgating, and maintaining a comprehensive emergency management plan, action plan, mitigation plan, and administrative plan
Direction, Control, and Coordination
  • Monitoring for emergencies and disasters
  • Quickly and accurately assessing their magnitude
  • Direct, control and coordinate response and recovery
Communications and Warning
  • Alerting and warning response organizations and the general public of pending and spontaneous disaster events
Operations and Procedures
  • Implementing policies, plans, and procedures in exercises and disaster events
Logistics and Facilities
  • Essential facilities and services that support response and recovery operations
  • Assessments, development, and implementation of a training/education program for public officials, emergency response personnel, and mitigation personnel
  • Providing a low-risk, cost-effective environment to:
    • test and validate plans, policies, procedures, and capabilities
    • identify resource requirements, capability gaps, strengths, areas for improvement, and potential best practices
Public Education and Information
  • Providing public education and information to protect lives and minimize property loss
Finance and Administration
  • Financial and administrative procedures in place before, during, and after disaster events


This division was created in 1978 as the lead agency or entity to coordinate multi-organizational community planning, response, and recovery. Emergency Management creates and nurtures effective partnerships in advance of a disaster through the development of a proactive, comprehensive emergency operations plan. During a disaster, response and recovery efforts are coordinated from an Emergency Operations Center staffed by paid and volunteer personnel and representatives from all emergency service departments and agencies involved in operations.

Emergency management begins at the municipal level, as required by the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Service Code. Every county, city, borough, and township in the Commonwealth (a total of 2,638 municipalities) is required to have an emergency management coordinator who is selected by the elected officials of the jurisdiction. The Emergency Management Coordinator's role is to develop plans, conduct training, and coordinate all available resources in the community. The ultimate responsibility for Emergency Management always rests with the chief elected officials and governing body.

When two or more municipalities are involved in a disaster, the county assumes overall emergency coordination. When two or more counties are involved in a disaster, the state assumes overall coordination. When two or more states are involved in a disaster, the federal government assumes overall coordination. Thus, the responsibility and authority for emergency management always lies with the lowest level of government affected, and a unified incident command system is implemented that is all- inclusive, yet never usurps local authority.

Mission and Vision


The mission of the Division of Emergency Management is to mitigate the potential effects of the various hazards and vulnerabilities that might impact the county, to implement measures which will preserve life and minimize damage, to respond effectively to the needs of the citizens and local jurisdictions during emergencies, and to provide a recovery system to return the county and its communities to a normal status as soon as possible from the effects of natural or man-made disasters, technological accidents, national security threats, and other disrupting incidents that may impact the county.


The vision is for a less vulnerable and more resilient Allegheny County through a comprehensive emergency management program built through fostering relationships that will be mutually beneficial without infringing upon the autonomy of each entity. Through these relationships, we nurture an environment of trust, respect, cooperation, and coordination that will translate into success during all phases of emergency management.