Alien Birth Records

Birth and Death Records
This information will help you obtain birth records for alien children adopted by a U.S. Citizen, obtain birth and death records for U.S. citizens when the event occurs on a vessel or aircraft outside the United States, and explain how to obtain birth and death records maintained by foreign countries.
You can also learn about:
Alien Children Adopted by U. S. Citizens
To can obtain Certification of Birth Data (INS Form G-350) for an alien child adopted by a U.S. Citizen through the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).
- Certification may be issued for children under 21 years of age who were born in a foreign country.
- Requests must be submitted on INS Form G-641, which can be obtained from any USCIS office.
- Certification can be issued in the new name of an adopted or legitimated child after proof of an adoption or legitimation is submitted to INS.
- Because it may be issued for a child who has not yet become a U. S. citizen, this certification is not proof of U. S. nationality.
Records of Births and Deaths Occurring on Aircraft or Vessels on the High Seas
When a birth or death occurs on the high seas, whether in an aircraft or on a vessel, the determination of where the record is filed is decided by the direction in which the vessel or aircraft was headed at the time the event occurred.
- If the vessel or aircraft was outbound or docked or landed at a foreign port, requests for copies of the record should be made to the U. S. Department of State, Washington, DC 20520.
- If the vessel or aircraft was inbound and the first port of entry was in the United States, write to the registration authority in the city where the vessel or aircraft docked or landed in the United States.
- If the vessel was of U. S. registry, contact the U. S. Coast Guard facility at the port of entry.
Records Maintained by Foreign Countries
Most, but not all, foreign countries record births and deaths. It is not feasible to list all foreign vital records offices, the charges they make for copies of records, or the information they may require to locate a record. However, most foreign countries will provide certifications of births and deaths occurring within their boundaries. Aliens residing in the United States should contact their nearest consular office.
U. S. citizens should write to:
The Office of Overseas Citizens Services
U. S. Department of State
Washington, D.C. 20520