Redevelopment Authority (RAAC)
The Redevelopment Authority of Allegheny County (RAAC) assists with generation, stimulation, and management of economic and community growth.
RAAC acquires and prepares local real estate for economic development, manages financing from public sources, and facilitates the reuse of vacant, tax-delinquent, or blighted properties.
Available Funding
Gaming Economic Development Tourism Fund (GEDTF)
For municipalities, authorities, Councils of Government, nonprofits, and for-profit businesses to carry out significant economic development projects
Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE)
For energy efficiency, renewable energy, and water conservation projects for commercial, industrial, multifamily, and agricultural property owners
Tax Incentives
For public and private entities to develop projects by decreasing taxes or increasing the length of repayment terms
Home Improvement Loan Program (AHILP) and Vacant Property Recovery Program (VPRP)
For low-interest loans for new or expanding businesses or to help improve neighborhoods by purchasing vacant or blighted properties and conveying them to applicants who plan on improving the properties and returning them to the tax roles
Additional Information
Meeting Schedule, Agendas, and Minutes
Budget and Audit Reports
Board Members
Vacant Property Review Committee
Request Open Records
Contact Economic Development