WIC-eligible foods include cow's milk, soy beverages, eggs, cheese, juice, cereal, peanut butter, dried beans, whole grains, tofu, fruits and vegetables.
These foods all contain key nutrients needed to promote healthy growth; however, WIC is a supplemental food program and does not provide all the food a woman may need for herself and her children. The average value of WIC foods provided to participants each month is $88.00.
Since breast milk is the ideal food for infants, WIC encourages breastfeeding. Additional foods, like tuna fish, are provided to breastfeeding women who do not receive formula from the WIC Program.
For women who do not breastfeed, WIC provides iron-fortified formula for infants during the first year of life. A wide variety of special formulas are provided to infants and children with special medical needs when prescribed by a physician. By six months, infants are also able to receive cereal, jarred fruits, and vegetables. Exclusively breastfed infants receive jarred meats in addition to the other foods mentioned above.
WIC benefits are provided in the form of an eWIC card. Benefits are loaded onto a chip on the card, and a printout of the benefits will be provided when the card is loaded at the WIC office. The eWIC card can be used at a WIC authorized retail grocery store selected by the participant.
In Allegheny County, there are approximately 90 retail grocery stores that are authorized to redeem WIC vouchers. Visit the WIC Retail Store Handbook(PDF, 873KB) .