Air Quality Program

The Air Quality Program maintains a staff of approximately 45 employees and is made up of four main sections that work together to identify and remedy air quality problems in Allegheny County.


The Monitoring section is comprised of air quality technicians, analysts, and engineers and is primarily responsible for the upkeep of ACHD’s network of air quality monitoring stations. This includes the daily maintenance of equipment, installation of new equipment, verification of monitored data, initial data analysis, and oversight of specialized monitoring studies.

Planning & Data Analysis

Planning & Data Analysis is comprised primarily of air quality control engineers, scientists, and atmospheric modelers. The daily duties of the planning staff include reviewing and validating monitored air quality data, analyzing data for trends and sources, modeling air quality, and developing control strategies. In addition, Planning and Data Analysis staff prepare State Implementation Plans (SIPs). SIPs are detailed plans that are designed to help our county reach and maintain all new air quality standards.

Emissions Inventory is a small section within the Planning and Data Analysis section. The engineering staff verifies emissions from permitted sources in the county to determine whether or not a facility is in compliance with regulations.

Permitting (Permit Engineering)

The Permitting Team is comprised of air pollution control engineers who issue operating and installation permits to major sources of air pollution within Allegheny County.

Industrial sources that emit above a set level of air pollutants must get an operating permit. Changes to facilities or the installation of new equipment requires a separate installation permit. All permits detail what the expected emissions of each facility will be. Permits can impose limits on pollution production and other activities if necessary.

Enforcement (Compliance Engineering)

The Enforcement section is made up of field inspectors as well as air pollution control engineers. The main goal of the enforcement staff is to ensure that facilities are complying with regulations. Using information collected by inspectors and data provided by other sections, enforcement can levy fines against polluters and can require specific actions by the polluter in order to fix problems.

The Asbestos & Abrasive Blasting section has inspectors dedicated to overseeing asbestos abatement and abrasive blasting projects. The goal of our asbestos section is to reduce public exposure during removal and demolition activities. Our abrasive blasting program aims to reduce dust and contaminants through a permitting and inspection program.

Advisory Committee

Learn more about the Air Pollution Control Advisory Committee.

Non-Discrimination Policy

Please visit our Non-Discrimination Policy page to learn more about the non-discrimination policies.

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