Emergency Response

COVID-19 Response
When the COVID-19 pandemic hit Allegheny County, PA, the Department of Human Services (DHS) responded with a tireless focus on the needs of providers, staff and County residents. From establishing remote work policies to creating a mechanism for daily briefings for provider staff to providing internet capability for hundreds of families and children, DHS was able to streamline processes that helped feed, educate, house, protect and serve thousands of people and residents of the County.
All Hands on a Remote Deck(PDF, 4MB) covers DHS’s early response to the pandemic, through June 2020. A subsequent report will provide an overview of later efforts, as the pandemic dragged on through the summer, fall and winter of 2020 and into 2021.
Hurricane Ivan
On September 17, 2004, severe flooding caused by the aftermath of Hurricane Ivan brought physical and psychological damage to communities along Pittsburgh’s three rivers. Thousands of Allegheny County residents were affected, many in extreme ways. DHS joined other county agencies to conduct round-the-clock outreach and provide much-needed services to those in need.
Hurricane Katrina
Just one year later, in September of 2005, DHS, utilizing lessons learned through the Ivan experience, again worked in concert with other public and private agencies, local foundations and individuals to respond to the needs of more than 250 Gulf Coast residents fleeing the natural disaster caused by Hurricane Katrina. Individuals and families found assistance with housing, food, clothing, education, medical, records retrieval and employment services.