
Whether you are a hiker, biker, runner or equestrian there is something for everyone in the Allegheny County Parks. With over 200 miles of trails the possibilities are endless for outdoor recreation.

Help Keep Our Trails in Great Shape

When visiting the Allegheny County Parks please remember that it takes a lot of work to build and maintain our trails; much of which is done by volunteers (additional information available on the Park Rangers Volunteer and Stewardship page). Please follow these simple guidelines to help keep our trails looking great.

Please stay on established trails – leaving the trail causes erosion and damages sensitive plant communities and constructing social trails is not permitted.

Please avoid using the trails when they are wet and muddy – significant damage to the trails occurs when the surfaces are soft. Please choose to walk or ride on one of the paved walking paths after heavy rains or when the trails are looking wet and muddy.

Our trails are largely maintained by volunteer organizations who have agreements with the Allegheny County Department of Parks. Only these organizations are permitted to maintain or alter the county trails and must adhere to the County Trail Management Guidelines. If you are interested in volunteering to help maintain trails in the County Parks you can contact the following:

Maps and Apps

Please use the Allegheny County Tails app to help you navigate our trail systems.