Adult and Business Safety Programs

Adults and business owners need to know how to protect both property and people. Our programs provide practical information on crime prevention and personal safety techniques that benefit individuals, businesses and the entire community.

How to Schedule a Presentation

Identity Theft Prevention and Reporting

You will be instructed on the best techniques to prevent personal information from being used to commit the crime of identity theft. We teach how to keep their personal information secure and the ways a criminal can gain and use data to commit a crime. You will also be informed of how and where to report if you have been a victim of identity theft.

Internet Safety

This presentation will provide helpful internet safety information to all school-aged children and their parents. Students and parents are advised of the dangers associated with the use of the internet, along ways to protect themselves and their personal information. Safe web surfing techniques will be introduced.

Neighborhood Crime Watch & Block Watch

We explain programs for neighbor safety and steps to create a program. Crime prevention techniques and the importance of neighbors working together to protect their community and look out for each other are discussed. We explain the use of technology to enhance crime prevention efforts.

Travel Safety Program

You will be taught the best practices to use when traveling for vacation or work. Whether traveling locally, nationally or throughout the world, participants are instructed on how to stay safe and protect property and personal information. You will be given information on how to protect yourselves and our family when traveling by car, train, bus, plane, boat, etc.

Vehicle Theft Prevention

We provide vehicle owners and drivers with safety tips on how to protect your vehicle and prevent vehicle theft. We also discuss vehicle theft statistics and techniques for prevention.

Additional Resources