Teen Safety Programs

Adolescent and Teen Safety

Some of our community programs are available via video-conferencing. Please contact Officer Bertalan at 412-473-1322 to inquire.

Our programs teach safety awareness and techniques that young adults can use to help them avoid dangerous situations and enable them to make difficult decisions.

How to Schedule a Presentation

Camp Cadet

Camp Cadet is a one week camp open to boys and girls who live in Allegheny County. Since 2004, we have partnered with other local, county, state and federal law enforcement agencies to provide this program. Camp Cadet is designed to bring a better understanding of law enforcement to children between the ages of 12 to 14. Cadets participate in numerous activities that help build teamwork, self-esteem and discipline, while creating friendships.

Rape Prevention

Participants are instructed on ways to prevent becoming a victim of rape or sexual assault. Date rape awareness is discussed along with ways to prevent becoming a victim of sexual assault due to drugs or alcohol. The program also explains the steps to report a rape or sexual assault as well as ways to preserve evidence. Techniques for escaping a violent encounter or relationship are explained.

Additional Resources