Human Services Block Grant Advisory Board
DHS is committed to receiving public input on our planning processes and initiatives; it is critical to meeting our publicly-crafted DHS vision and key to delivering our services according to our articulated guiding principles. In preparation of the DHS response to the annual Pennsylvania Human Service Block Grant Plan, the county established a Block Grant Advisory Board with broad-based representation from people and families of block grant funded services, providers, advocates, community representatives and representation from existing and statutorily required boards and DHS staff.
The purpose of the board is to inform and review the annual block grant plan by providing recommendations about the block grant planning process; areas of need and ways to address need; the block grant narrative and ways DHS can work with providers to obtain additional outcome data about funded services and supports.
Current Members
Board Member; Area(s) of Expertise/Interest*
- Robert Adamson; MH, D&A, ID, CYF, AAA
- Helen Cahalane; MH, CYF
- Guy Caruso; ID, developmental disabilities
- Andrew Cheeseboro; training and evaluation
- Grace Confer; MH
- Susan Davis; MH
- Rosa Davis; D&A
- Jeff DeSantis; MH
- Reverend J. David Else, D&A
- Carla Falkenstein; MH, AAA, homelessness and housing
- Deborah Ferraro; MH, child and family support
- Ray Firth; MH, D&A, homelessness, AAA, early childhood, maternal and child health
- Ruth Fox; MH, CYF
- Kathy Ganley; MH
- Jim Gavin; MH, D&A
- Ronell Guy; MH, D&A, ID, CYF, AAA, homelessness and housing
- Lindsay Hargrove; MH, D&A, homelessness, housing
- Elisabeth Healy; ID, cross-disability
- Wayne Jones; CYF, after-school time
- James Kindler; MH
- Joann Knott; ID, MH, IL
- Arwen Lavengood-Davis; MH, D&A, ID, CYF, AAA, homelessness and housing
- John Lydon; MH, D&A, CYF, homelessness, workforce development
- Denise Macerelli; MH, D&A, ID, CYF, AAA, homelessness and housing
- Kim Mathos; MH, ID, school, transition, autism, sensory disability
- Jesse McLean; MH, CYF
- Catherine McNeilly; law enforcement
- Helen Michael; MH, D&A, ID, CYF, AAA, homelessness and housing
- Christine Michaels; MH, recovery, disability community
- Cynthia Moore; basic needs
- Fay Morgan; ID, AAA, housing
- Laurie Mulvey; MH, family support
- Nancy Murray; ID
- Alice Paylor-Dais; ID, AAA
- Susan Rauscher; MH, homelessness, free medical and dental care
- Shirley Rucker; MH
- Stephanie Scanlon; MH, ID, EI
- Rashanda Shaw; MH, IL
- Glenn Shell; MH, D&A, CYF, , JPO, education
- Reverend Sally Jo Snyder; AAA, disability dommunity
- Lucy Spruill; ID, AAA, physical disabilities
- John Tague; AAA, homelessness and housing, transportation
- Deborah Walker; D&A, education
- Adrienne Walnoha; MH, CYF, AAA, homelessness and housing
- Denise Weis; MH, D&A, housing
- Terri Winaught; MH, D&A, CYF, AAA, vision impairments
- William Wolfe; CYF, homelessness, education
- Lori Zimmer; CYF, homelessness, family support
- Nancy Zionts; MH, AAA
*AAA – Aging; CYF – Child welfare; D&A – Substance use; ID – Intellectual disability; IL – Independent living; JPO – Juvenile probation; MH – Mental health