Intake Procedure

Use this information to learn about allowed outgoing phone calls, call-in numbers, the intake medical evaluation and the criminal court process. You will also find relevant Web site and phone numbers.

Phone Calls

Holding area phone calling vs. post-processing, on-Pod phone call

Call block/unblock calls (or inmate phone issues)

Pretrial release call-in number

Medical Evaluation

As a condition of bail, an incarcerated individual may be evaluated in the Behavioral Assessment Unit (BAU).

Arrest-to-Criminal Case Disposition Process

Criminal Case Proceedings

Docket Sheets / Bail

You can find criminal charges, court date, or arrange bond payment through the Pennsylvania Judiciary Web Portal.

Phone Numbers

To learn about hearing times, bond/bail and fingerprinting, contact the County Courts.

Phone Number Reference - explains how to navigate through the phone system or obtain legal representation.