Get Involved


Parks Foundation

The Allegheny County Parks Foundation strengthens the health and vibrancy of the community by improving, conserving and restoring the nine Allegheny County Parks. Contact the Allegheny County Parks Foundation for information about volunteer opportunities. 

Adopt-a-Park, a-Tree, a-Trail or Plant-a-Tree

By adopting a park or a trail, adoptees can help beautify the parks by volunteering for small improvements and litter clean-up. Adopting or planting a tree can be an excellent school project or done in memory of a friend or loved one. Contact us.


The Allegheny County Adopt-a-Roadway Program provides individuals and groups an opportunity to help keep county-maintained roadways in our parks and county trash free. Learn more how to get involved through the Public Works Adopt-a-Roadway page.

Park Ranger Volunteer Opportunities

The Allegheny County Park Rangers Volunteer and Stewardship page has a list of volunteer projects ready for any individual or group interested in spending time giving back to our parks.

Park Nature Centers

All of the nature centers have opportunities to engage with native habitat and wildlife in the parks.

Help at the Mansion

Hartwood Acres Park needs volunteers year round to help with a variety of activities.

Friends of the Parks

Friends of the Parks is a group of volunteers from local Allegheny County communities who serve a two-year term as advisors and advocates for the preservation, protection, and improvement of the natural environment of the county parks. Find an upcoming Friends of the Parks meeting here