Health Department

Allegheny County Health Department

Public Health Accreditation Board logo The Allegheny County Health Department's (ACHD) mission is to protect, promote, and preserve the health and well-being of the more than 1.2 million people who call Allegheny County home. ACHD offers clinical services including immunization, dentistry, and sexual health resources, as well as programs designed to promote a safer, healthier community for all by focusing on air quality, lead exposure, and other environmental factors that impact residents.

The Allegheny County Health Department is one of only six health departments in Pennsylvania to be accredited by the Public Health Administration Board.

Plan for a Healthier Allegheny (PHA)

The Plan for a Healthier Allegheny (PHA) highlights important issues and brings together stakeholders across multiple sectors to address Allegheny County's top priorities in the areas of physical, behavioral, and environmental health. 

Community Health Data Dashboard

The Allegheny County Health Department maintains a series of interactive dashboards for residents and users to review data about the numerous public health topics that ACHD monitors. Explore more of the Allegheny County community health indicators