Permits and Registration


Whether you are planning to start a new food business, taking ownership of an existing one, or setting up at a farmer market or festival, you will need to obtain the correct food permit or registration. All applicable fees related to registration, permitting, applications, and more are in the Fee Schedule(PDF, 166KB).


Food facilities that only handle commercially prepackaged, shelf-stable (non-time and temperature controlled for safety) food are required to register with the ACHD Food Safety Program as a Class 1 food facility. Please see the Registration page for details.


Food facilities that handle commercially pre-packaged food requiring refrigeration or serving food to the public are required to be permitted by the ACHD Food Safety Program as either a Class 2, 3, or 4 food facility. Use this flow chart(PDF, 181KB) to help determine a food facility’s classification.

Permit Applications 

Permanent Food Facility New Construction/Remodel(PDF, 768KB)
Mobile Food Facility(PDF, 377KB)
Change of Ownership(PDF, 603KB)
Temporary/Seasonal Food Facility Permit (Vendor)(PDF, 177KB)
Shared Kitchen User(PDF, 804KB)
Class 1 Registration(PDF, 260KB)

The Food Safety program can also be contacted using theAllegheny County Support Centeraccount, or by calling the Food Safety Program at412-578-8044.Please allow up to five business days for a response.

Questions about permitting and registration can be sent using this form