
Individualized Financial Planning, Webinars and Open Houses 

Create a roadmap to your Financial Future.  This individualized financial planning process will assist you with developing a personalized strategy that fits your needs and goals.  Please see the Retirement Planning tab below.

Financial Education and Wellness Webinars are offered by the Retirement Board of Allegheny County as a courtesy to active and retired members of the Plan to assist with financial planning, budgeting and working toward a goal of a healthy retirement.  The Retirement office staff always tries to hold two webinars for each topic, an afternoon and evening session to accommodate schedules. 

All final webinar sessions, dates and times will be announced through HR Notifications and posted to this page.  The dates and webinar topics below are tentative and subject to change. Registration is required through a link in the schedule below.

2024 Tentative Schedule

Here are the upcoming webinars and the topics are described below.

01/17/2024 Social Security 
02/07/2024 Paperwork
03/20/2024 Medicare
04/17/2024 ID Theft - 11:30 am(PDF, 249KB) | 5:00 pm(PDF, 250KB)
05/03/2024 Open House
05/15/2024 Paperwork
06/12/2024 Financial Planning
07/17/2024 Social Security
08/14/2024 Paperwork
09/18/2024 Long Term Care
10/16/2024 Financial Lit 101
11/20/2024 Medicare
12/06/2024 Open House
12/18/2024 Paperwork

Webinar Topics

Social Security - Learn about Social Security planning. Duncan Financial Group’s Social Security Expert, Nancy Conner, will discuss strategies to get the best Social Security benefit that you can - not only in retirement, but while you are still working. She will also discuss which benefits are right for you and when you need to apply.

Preparing Your Pension Paperwork - This seminar is for employees that are vested, of retirement age and planning to retire within a year. Completing your Pension Paperwork is offered quarterly, typically in February, May, August and December. Please plan to attend one of the sessions if you plan to retire within a year. 

Medicare - Some of the question that will be addressed include: What is it? When do I apply? Do I apply if I am still working? What does it cost? What does it cover? How much does it pay?

Identity Theft - What happens when someone steals your personal information to commit fraud? How can you identify it quickly to prevent the use of your information to fraudulently apply for credit, file taxes, or get medical services? These acts can damage your credit status and cost you time and money to restore your good name. Find out everything you need to know!